The Donalds Sons Hunting Elephant Tail

Now I do not have a problem with hunters or hunting - not responsible hunters anyway. My family has more than a few hunters in it, past and present, and I wouldn't say no to a moose steak or a nice grouse stew. Folks who hunt and eat what they catch are just fine. This "exotic animals" hunting thing does get under my skin a bit though. It all seems a little "bwanna" to me. A little too British empire, pith helmet, sun never sets, shoot the shit out of everything because we can, sense of entitlement to me. The privileged whacking an elephant "because we can" is messed up. I do not believe that the Trump boys will be shipping huge crates of elephant, crocodile and civet cat meat back to New York for a large feast with thousands of admirers. In fact I know they won't be. The boys say they donated all of the meat to local villagers. Why those lucky local villagers! Free meat from the Trump hunters! Where would they be without rich white boys coming over to shoot up the local wildlife? Jeezum-crow, Trumpers, pat yourselves on the backs. You are like heroes. Great white hopes, even.
And just what does the Donald himself think of this whole deal? He is not a hunter, per se. Yeah, he says he hunts the good deals and makes the big money, but he does not go out to the great outdoors and put bullet holes into animals for relaxation (or for any other reason), which is nice for the animals. He does defend the actions of his sons, which is nice too (being their dad and everything). "I am not a believer in hunting," he says, "and I'm surprised they like it." Fair enough, but I wonder if he has noticed how his son's hunting parallels what he says he does for a living? His boys kill animals and he kills hope in what used to be called the American Dream. "You're fired," indeed. It looks like tha acorns didn't fall too far from the tree.
Anyway... Humouroceros