Monday, October 19, 2009
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Czech folk music
I was listening to Radio Prague the other night. This is the English-language version of Czech radio, broadcast on the CBC. I enjoy it because of the different views from typical western media and just to hear about another area of the world. The other night they were discussing a Czech folk singer (I missed the name, and I probably wouldn't be able to spell it right anyway) and playing bits of some of his songs. One translation they gave for the chorus of one of his songs was, "the rumours that my sheep have venereal diseases are unfounded and my customers should wash more". I have got to listen to more Czech folk music. Oh yeah.
Anyway... Humouroceros
Anyway... Humouroceros
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Poor Roman Polanski

So now Roman Polanski is cooling his heels in a jail in Switzerland waiting to be extradited to the US to face those old charges and a couple of new ones due to his bugging out (IE: running from justice). With luck he will spend the rest of his life in prison in the US with a complimentary economy sized jug of lube so those hot prison nights won't be as hard on him as he was on that little girl 30 years ago.
A truly bizarre aspect of this situation is that there are those who feel that poor Roman has suffered enough. Having to live in the filth and squalor that is France was punishment enough for on little moral lapse all those years ago. He has paid, they say, oh lordy how he has paid. In fact, many of Hollywood's elite have come forward in defense of raping children. Martin Scorsese, Debra Winger, Woody Allan, Whoopi Goldberg and many others have argued on poor Roman's behalf, and one can almost see their point. Children are hardly important (and thus deserving of a good raping every so often) while Roman has made "important" and "significant" films and so it is obvious that to hold him responsible for some silly little mistake he made back when he was in his youthfully carefree forties is just not right. Poor Roman.
One can imagine that it is only a matter of time before the Roman Catholic church leaps to Romans defense as well, after all the church has a long history of abusing children. They must be full of helpful advise for Roman on how he can get out of this current unpleasantness. Or maybe the church will just suggest that he ride it out, after all they have been for a couple of thousand years now and they are still partying with the kiddies.
If I may put forward a slice of personal philosophy, it is this: Roman and his tub 'o lube should just head off to prison and take it like a man. A whimpering, moaning little man, but still, like a man. Enjoy.
Anyway... Humouroceros