
I am not a big fan of "reality" television. In fact I don't like "reality" television at all. At least I don't like the shows that bring out the bad in folks; the Survivor or Big Brother types of shows. I do like Holmes on Homes, and I have a new like too. Wipeout is a race type show that I just discovered and it is hilarious. A group of people have to make their way through various obstacle courses and they are timed until the show ends with the final four contestants going through one final course to decide the winner. The courses vary somewhat show to show, although most seem to involve mud, water or foam, and they all look way more challenging than anything I could handle. The show is not at all mean-spirited and looks to be more fun than anything else, with a possible $50,000 payout for the winner. Good "clean" fun.
Next year a Canadian version is planned with Jonathan Torrens as one of the hosts and I am totally looking forward to J-Rock rocking that mo-fo, for sure.
Anyway... Humouroceros
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