Boo! Terrorizing the US navy.

Reports out of Washington DC say that assets of the US Navy's fifth fleet felt they were seriously menaced by elements of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in the Persian Gulf recently. Three US warships (the destroyer USS Hopper, the cruiser USS Port Royal, and the frigate USS Ingraham) claim they were aggressively confronted by five speed-boats (one of which was a jolly blue colour) which zipped around them, bouncing around in the wakes of the larger ships and just generally being annoying. "I am coming to you," someone on the boats allegedly radioed. "You will explode after... minutes."
But still, the public reaction of the US administration has been a little over the top. The US President's National Security Adviser, Stephen Hadley, said, "This is a very provocative act by the Iranians," and, "it's the kind of incident that can provoke exchange of fire..."
If Iranian acts were misinterpreted it wouldn't be the first time. On July 3, 1988 near the end of the Iran/Iraq war (widely considered to have been one of the stupidest and most pointless wars ever fought) and the guided-missle cruiser USS Vincennes was patrolling in the Persian Gulf. The crew of the Vincennes detected what they thought was an Iranian F-14A Tomcat. They tried to contact the aircraft on the military emergency frequency and on the civilian emergency frequency (neither of which are usually monitored by civilian aircraft), and when there was no response the Vincennes fired two SM-2M2 surface-to-air missiles, destroying the aircraft. It was then that the crew of the Vincennes realized that the aircraft had been civilian. Oops.
The US President of the day, big Ronnie Reagan, said that the Vincennes had taken, "a proper defensive action" (ie: whacking civilians) although he did admit that the loss of life was unfortunate. "Oh, yeah. That's kind of rough. It reminds me of the time..." and he went on to reminisce about the time he had met Mickey Mouse, or was it Bugs Bunny? One of those cartoon guys anyway.
Ron's Vice-president, George H W Bush, was even kinder and gentler than his boss, saying "I'll never apologize for the United States of America. Ever, I don't care what the facts are." (So you can see where his kid gets his smarts from.)
So here it is some twenty years on and these two countries are still acting like spoiled little kids. At least nobody died this time, on either side, so that's an improvement. But not much of one.
Anyway... Humouroceros
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