Dorkter Phil

Dr. Phil, who is possibly not a half rotten pile of garbage, decided that the best way to help Britney was to use the tried and true (as well as psychiatrically sound) method of ambush-psychotherapy and then televise the festivities. To this end, Phil and his camera crew (along with his usual gang of suck-ups and sycophants) all piled into their Lexus' and their stretch-limos and burned down to the hospital to thrust microphones and cameras into Britney's face as she was released. Would this be good for TV ratings? Probably since there is a certain segment of the viewing public that enjoys watching this sort of thing (hence the popularity of all the "reality" shows). Would it be good for Britney? Not so much. As wonderful as this sort of thing may be for Phil's bank-account, I'm pretty sure that some droop-faced, bubble-butt yelling at her would do Britney no good at all.
Of course helping people has never been Phil's #1 reason for doing anything anyway. In fact, in response to the genuine psychiatrists flaming him, philthy Phil said, "Somebody needs to step up and get this young woman into some quality care - and I do not apologize one whit, not one second, for trying to make that happen." Or for wanting to televise it all, right Phil? Anything for a buck, especially by a "man" who has been described (by some) as a hundred pounds of manure in a fifty pound bag.
Nobody is coming out of this story looking real good though. Britney's family finally realize that she needs help so the first person they turn to is a publicity-pig rather than a real psychiatrist? Real good. Mind you, judging by past practice, this seems to be the usual high quality advice that this girl gets anyway. I wonder how long until she is the subject of one of those "where are they now" bits on some entertainment channel and everybody can blame her for trusting them and taking their bad advise, and you can just bet that old full-o-crap Phil will be there, spewing his usual verbal diarrhea about how he could have helped if only everybody had listened to him.
Oprah, you have done a lot of good and accomplished a lot, but putting your name behind the greedy, self-serving creep known as Phil was not one of your better ideas.
Anyway... Humouroceros
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